Linking Parents to the Youth Ministry of Temple Baptist Church

MAY  2021

Looking Forward >>

~ As we live in the present!

It time for High School graduations and celebrations. It's a time that students and families look back on the time spent in school, with all the
accomplishments and effort put into achieving that diploma. Now is the time that graduates look forward to new opportunities and a new stage of life. For some, making the decision on which path to take is difficult. Usually there isn't a shortage of opinions from well meaning friends and family, but always guide your student to first seek the Lord, regardless of the decision they are making. This is also the time for thoughts to wander into "summer land." Daydreams of vacations and lazy summer days taunt us. It is almost time, but not just yet. It's great to make  plans and dreams for the future, but we can't get so caught up in the potential of the future that we miss what God has for us in the present. Encourage you students to finish the school year well, no matter what grade they are in. Encourage yourself to live in the moment and daily look for opportunities that God gives you. Don't be so focused on weekends, holidays, and vacations that we miss the majority of the time given to us.
With that in mind, we look forward to this summer as a ministry. More time to connect with each other and more time to reach out to connect with our communities. The main event for summer is of course, ENGAGE CAMP!  Be sure to register your student(s) and encourage any friends to register  as soon as possible.  We will not be taking the charter bus this year so transportation space is limited. More in the present, we are having an Outside Game Day on May, 22. This will replace our typical S.T.O.R.M. event for this year. This is intended to be an outreach event, connecting to people outside the Christian faith. Teens have been challenging to bring as many friends as possible. Anyone that brings a friend will be free and so will their friend(s). June  2nd will be our SUMMER KICKOFF! Details are on the TBC App/ website. There are more events coming for this summer! To stay up to date of all the latest news and event details, be sure to watch for monthly ParentLink newsletters and TBC App/ website updates.

>> Wednesday Night

> #doyoubelieve - Life begins when you believe in Him.
>#miraclestories - The Messenger is greater than the miracle.
> #rejected - Your good isn’t good enough.
> #theneverendingstory - His story is why we have a story.

>> Sunday School <<

> Just Google It - the teachings of Jesus are authoritative and will bring change as we  allow them to penetrate our hearts.
> Username and Password - faith in Jesus Christ is secure because His miracles proved He is God.
> Unlimited Minutes - biblical principles from Jesus’ model prayer and effective communication with God.
> God’s App for That - Jesus has a will for our lives that will cause us to evaluate our relationships with the world, others, and God the Father.

Things To Come:


> Saturday, May 22 - Outside Game Day - 1p-3p


> Wednesday, June 2 - SUMMER KICKOFF - 6:30p-8p
> June 28 - July 2 - ENGAGE Summer Camp!!!!

>> Lesson Info.: 

Lesson 1

#doyoubelieve ~John 20:31
Students will understand that Jesus is the Son of God and will be challenged to believe in Him.
Key Thought: 
Life begins when you believe in Him.
Lesson Summary:
This week, we began a four-week series called “His Story.” This series will highlight passages from the Gospel of John. We began our study in the 20th chapter of the Book of John and discovered that the reason why John wrote his book was “that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:31).
Once we discovered the purpose of the book, we took a look at the first and third chapters of the Book of John and filtered all of the truths that we discovered through the purpose of the book. To be creative, we likened John’s account of Jesus’ story to modern-day Instagram Stories and imagined that John was “posting” truths about Jesus.
We discovered that Jesus is eternal and that He is God. We discovered that He is the “only begotten Son of God” and that this description has nothing to do with being created or born. Jesus is the one and only Son of God Who left Heaven to become the sacrifice for the sin of the world. We discussed the death and resurrection of Jesus and challenged the students to believe that Jesus is the Son of God because life begins when you believe in Him.
At the end of the lesson, we challenged all of those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God to make His Story part of their story either in their own social media posts or verbally with someone who needs to hear about Jesus.
Take some time to see if your teen has a personal relationship with Jesus. If either you or your teen would like to know how to begin a relationship with Jesus, please contact someone here at the church. We would be happy to share with you how you can have forgiveness of sin and a relationship with Jesus.

Lesson 2

#miraclestories ~John 6:29
Students will learn that the miracles of Jesus prove that He is the Christ, the Son of God and they will be given the chance to trust in Him for salvation.
Key Thought: 
The Messenger is greater than the miracle.
Lesson Summary:
This lesson is the second lesson in a four-part series called “His Story.” This series highlights passages from the Gospel of John. The reason why John wrote the Book of John is simple, “that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:31).
In the lesson this week we discussed the miracles of Jesus throughout the Book of John. We talked about why Jesus, God’s Messenger, is greater than the miracles! We learned that the miracles Jesus did were designed to prove to those who witnessed them that He was God in the flesh. They were done so the world would believe in Jesus.
Your teen was given the opportunity to trust Jesus as Savior. He/she was also challenged to take time to read through John’s Gospel to discover more about Jesus. The Book of John has 21 chapters. If you read three chapters a day, you can read the entire book this week. Perhaps you can read through the Book of John with your teen this week and discuss the miracles of Jesus.

Lesson 3

#rejected ~ John 12:37
Students will understand why Jesus was rejected and will choose to trust in Him alone for salvation.
Key Thought: 
Your good is not good enough.
Lesson Summary:
This lesson was the third lesson in a four-week series called “His Story.” This series highlights passages from the Gospel of John. Tonight, we focused on the fact that Jesus was rejected.
We learned that having a relationship with God is not about making sure our good works outweigh our bad works. In fact, we discovered that our “good” is not good enough to get us to Heaven. Our good will never be enough to outweigh our bad.
We discovered that Jesus was rejected so that we don’t ever have to be rejected by God. He died on the cross, was buried, and rose again. He defeated sin and death and wants us to stop trusting in our own righteousness and simply receive His righteousness by trusting in Him as Savior.
Your teen was given the opportunity to reject the idea that his/her good deeds could ever outweigh his/her bad deeds, and instead, trust Christ as Savior. All of the teens who believe in Jesus were challenged to boldly proclaim that trust on their social media site or at school. Make a point this week to have a discussion with your teen about the concept of our “good outweighing our bad” and how it falls short of what is needed to have a relationship with God.

Lesson 4

#theneverendingstory ~ John 20:30-31
Students will learn that Jesus rose from the dead and will be challenged to believe the story and tell the story of Jesus.
Key Thought: 
His story is why we have a story.
Lesson Summary:
This lesson was the fourth lesson in a four-week series called “His Story.” This series highlighted passages from the Gospel of John. Tonight, we focused on the greatest story ever told: The Gospel! Jesus died, was buried, and rose again on the third day!
We focused on the 20th chapter of the Book of John. We encourage you to take the time to read John 20 for yourself. It is a great account of Jesus’ resurrection. The chapter highlights how Jesus’ resurrection impacted those around Him and how it can impact your story as well.
Your teen was challenged to allow the story of Jesus to intersect with his/her story. The Book of John was written so that we might believe that Jesus is the Christ and by believing we can have eternal life.
Students were challenged to tell the story of Jesus in their school, neighborhood, and group of friends for Jesus. We gave each student who wanted one a Gospel of John to give to someone else so they can read the story of Jesus. Take the time to read the Gospel of John with your teen this week. If you have questions about how Jesus’ story can impact your story, please contact someone here at the church.